
Your Action Plan Options


Thinking about building a custom home? There’s certainly a lot to consider. Getting some expert insight can give clarity on what you need and what can be expected.

Here at Letter Four, we offer several options to help you explore possibilities and lay the groundwork for your project. First, we recommend going through a preliminary consultation call so that we can learn about your needs and suggest the right steps to take next. Our firm currently offers two options for consultation calls, outlined below.



Perfect for: When you’re still feeling out what a custom home build entails, and you need to hear what process a professional team would use. We’ll gather your project goals and concerns and give you the information you need to decide how best to move forward.

What’s Included:
Zoom call up to 30 mins with Alex, our Office Manager


Speak with
Our Principals

Perfect for: When you’d like to get some expert input on a few of your project’s goals or concerns and how a professional team would approach them. You’ll come away with an idea of what your unique project is likely to need, and a complete plan for what steps should be taken next.

What’s Included:
Zoom call up to an hour with Lauren & Jeremy, our Architect & General Contractor

Why the Action Plan?

Do you have a vision for your home but aren’t sure what’s possible on your property? Do you know the real costs of achieving your goals? Are you mentally and financially prepared for an endeavor that could last up to two years?

We’ve created the Action Plan to help you answer these questions. You’ll go from confused to confident, as we transform your dreams into beautiful designs and an all-inclusive project budget.

And, just as importantly, once your Action Plan is complete, you'll know whether you've enjoyed working with our team and if you feel confident moving forward with us for the full design and construction of your project.

What is the Action Plan?

We begin each of our design-build projects with one and it involves three essential phases:

Due Dilligence
Our thorough research and critical analysis of your property’s conditions and constraints, combined with a deep understanding of your needs and motivations, you’ll have a detailed and accurate picture of what’s achievable for both your site and your goals.
Conceptual Design
Stunning custom design options that reflect your unique aesthetic and lifestyle needs, while remaining feasible given code requirements and budget constraints.
Preliminary Pricing
A transparent, all-in budget carefully calculated to match your chosen design, highlighting areas for potential savings, optional upgrades, and project phasing to enhance viability.

These phases go in order and build upon one another. Because accurately knowing the cost of your build is impossible without a tangible design, and determining what to design hinges on uncovering and exploring the realities of both the property and your lifestyle.

So by the end of the Action Plan, you'll have a feasible design you love and a clear understanding of the true financial commitment that’s required to make it a reality.

What will the Action Plan cost me?

Great question! Here’s a break down of the Action Plan deliverables and costs:

2-3 months
Typical Total Fee:
$13,000 (without consultants)
1. Up to Four Zoom/In-Office Meetings
2. Comprehensive Site Walkthrough
3. Consultant Coordination (As-Builts, Surveys)
4. In-House As-Built Translation
5. Complete Past Permit Record Review and Summary
6. Extensive Code Summary Research and Analysis
7. Full Project Scope Write-up
8. Kick Off Questionnaire to Outline Project Needs, Motivations, and Style Inspiration
9. AirTable Setup and Inspiration Collection
10. Full Conceptual Design Package of up to Three Options in Sketch Form of:
• Site Plan/Master Plan
• Proposed Floor Plans
• 3D Views of Key Areas
11. Design Brief with Inspiration Imagery for each key area
12. Full Preliminary Pricing Document
13. Preliminary Project Schedule/Phasing Estimate
14. Proposal for Remaining Project Phases
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So what do I really get with the Action Plan? And what does it look like?

Looking for some more information on what to expect? Let’s break down the phases so you can understand what each part of the Action Plan entails, and how long it takes:

Due Diligence


You would never agree to surgery without a proper diagnosis or an assessment of potential risks. Similarly, like any good doctor, we always conduct thorough diagnostics before confirming what can be done on your site. Anything less would set us all up for failure and disappointment, and leave your project vulnerable to painful complications and expenses.

Enter the unsung hero of every successful build: Due Diligence.

In this pre-design research and feasibility study phase, we investigate factors like existing permits, code restrictions, zoning information, and municipal requirements. This helps us understand what alterations have been made to your home or property in the past and what can or cannot be done now. Because no matter how beautiful a design is, if it doesn’t comply with height restrictions, setbacks, maximum allowable square footage, or easements and ordinances, it can’t be built.

But, as with so many other things in life, what your property looks like on paper is never the full story. This is why we augment our in-house findings with various consultants to effectively design and build your home. We want to ensure we’re providing you with accurate insights that may affect your choices and that our designs are tailored to the exact specifications of your home and the land beneath it.

Every site is unique, and no build is ever the same, but certain consultants are standard. Which consultant will be necessary for your Action Plan depends on whether your property is sloped or flat and the nature of your project itself:

Project Type Property Type Consultant Approximate Cost
New Build Sloped Topographic Survey, Soils Report, Slope Band Analysis Topographic Survey + Slope Band: $6,000+ Soils Report: $6,000+
New Build Flat Boundary Survey Boundary Survey: $2,750
Remodel (adding square footage to existing footprint) Sloped As-Builts, Topographic Survey, Soils Report, Slope Band Analysis As-Builts: $4,250 Topographic Survey + Slope Band: $6,000+ Soils Report: $6,000+
Remodel (adding square footage to existing footprint) Flat As-Builts, Boundary Survey As-Builts: $4,250 Boundary Survey: $2,750
Remodel (no addition to footprint) Sloped or Flat As-Builts only As-Builts: $4,250

You can sometimes postpone surveys during our Action Plan if you have them from a previous build-out. However, they will ultimately be required to get planning and building approval for permitting and are essential to effectively design your home to suit the land. We know these surveys are costly and deferring them can feel sensible. But a delayed survey can later reveal underlying conditions that will balloon your budget or cause major delays in your timeline.

Now, equipped with this in-depth knowledge, we go boots-on-the-ground for a comprehensive walkthrough of your home with your Project Manager and at least one of our Principals. But we aren’t just there to discuss site conditions and constraints.

Your personal vision for your home is just as important. While we were gathering the concrete details, you’ll also have shared the intangible ones—your motivations, needs, functional and aesthetic goals. Then during our time together on site, we’ll dive even deeper into how you want to feel in your home when it’s complete and you’re hosting your first dinner party for loved ones.

Phase Duration:
2-6 Weeks (depending on consultant schedules or if you’re able to provide previously conducted surveys or the original plans of your home)
Typical Phase Fee:
$3,500 (without consultants)

Considering all that goes into it, you undoubtedly see why we can't begin design work without completing our Due Diligence. And would you trust a firm that does? After all, we need to set the foundation before we start framing, don’t we?

Conceptual Design


Now that we have the facts, let’s have some fun!

This phase is where we merge our analysis of your site’s code requirements and physical conditions with your personal motivations, wants, and needs into a unique home, made just for you.

We create up to THREE hand-sketched design options for your new home, including floor plans, site plans, and key 3D views, along with inspiration imagery and details such as specific features, square footages, and bedroom and bathroom counts. Depending on your preferences and project scope, these options may also explore different investment levels, development possibilities, or phasing plans.

We will then meet with you to review our initial designs in a clear presentation, specifically crafted to help you visualize what we’re proposing. We’ll walk you through each option, discuss the pros and cons, your likes and dislikes, and any changes you’d like to make. From there, we’ll update the sketches to incorporate your feedback, including combining features you like from different options into one final version.

Phase Duration:
3-4 weeks
Typical Phase Fee:

It is now this fully feasible design, which we’ve made sure you love, that we will take into the next phase for pricing.

Preliminary Pricing


Transparency is at the heart of our values, so we won’t pretend that building a custom home is inexpensive—it’s the couture of construction. But that doesn’t mean costs should spiral out of control either. So this final phase of our Action Plan is your first price check (there are 2 more in our full 4-Step Process!) and its sole purpose is to give you a realistic understanding of your total project costs.

To do this, we meticulously pull data from our past and current projects, leverage our expert knowledge of industry markets and trends, and reach out to our consultants and subcontractors for honest estimates, all to create a bespoke budget that matches your chosen Conceptual Design.

Unlike some contractors, we don’t offer a vague price-per-square-foot estimate or the lowest bid just to win your project, only to raise costs later. That won’t serve you, your project, or your bottom line. Instead, we provide a detailed itemization of your all-in costs for the full scope of your project. This includes not just the hard costs of construction but also soft costs such as surveys, design development, engineering fees, permitting, and more. We also build in allocations for finishes, fixtures, landscaping, and hardscaping—important details that are often overlooked but are a significant part of your budget and help turn a house into your dream home.

We will never dictate how you should utilize your budget or what you should prioritize. Our only goal is to arm you with all the information you need to make the most informed decisions. Whether you have a firm spending limit or a little wiggle room, we’ll propose areas for savings and price out those nice-to-haves like a pool and a spa or luxury finishes and fixtures.

And, most importantly, we collaborate with you during this process. Once we’ve finalized the initial numbers, we meet with you to review them and then make adjustments to ensure you get what you want, at a price that works for you.

Can you think of a better way to set your project up for success?

Phase Duration:
2 weeks
Typical Phase Fee:

Not quite ready for a full Action Plan?

Sometimes you only want to know what’s possible for your home before you’ll even consider exploring design options or pricing. That’s totally understandable and it’s why we’re happy to customize your Action plan to cover only Due Diligence, for example.

And what if you’re trying to decide whether or not you should put an offer in on a property? You love the look of it, but is it a good investment given your goals?

Then our Express Action Plan might be just the thing. It gives you a little of every phase of the Action Plan, at a considerably lower price point. And, best of all, if you want to continue on with us afterwards, the cost of the Express will be deducted from your full Action Plan!

The Express Action Plan

2 weeks
1. One Zoom/In-Office Meeting to Review Presentation
2. Comprehensive Site Walkthrough
3. Project Information Summary
4. Project Goals Interview and Summary
5. Inspiration Imagery
6. Preliminary All-In Budget Range (Soft + Hard Costs)
7. Educational Materials Relevant to Project Scope
View Sample

Items Included

1 Zoom meeting

Add. meeting(s)

1 site meeting

Past Permit Record Review and Summary

Project Code Summary

Project Scope Write-Up

Preliminary Project Schedule + Phasing

Rough Budget Range

Conceptual Design Package

Airtable Setup

3 Sketched Options

Preliminary Pricing Document

Proposal for remaining project phases

Additional Recommended/Required

As-builts (Consultant)*

Boundary/Topographic Survey (Consultant)*



Included/ Required

Items Included


Let's go!

1 Zoom meeting

Add. meeting(s)

1 site meeting

Past Permit Record Review and Summary

Project Code Summary

Project Scope Write-Up

Preliminary Project Schedule + Phasing

Rough Budget Range

Conceptual Design Package

Airtable Setup

3 Sketched Options

Preliminary Pricing Document

Proposal for remaining project phases

Additional Recommended/Required

As-builts (Consultant)*

Boundary/Topographic Survey (Consultant)*



Included/ Required

Items Included


Let's go!

1 Zoom meeting

Add. meeting(s)

1 site meeting

Past Permit Record Review and Summary

Project Code Summary

Project Scope Write-Up

Preliminary Project Schedule + Phasing

Rough Budget Range

Conceptual Design Package

Airtable Setup

3 Sketched Options

Preliminary Pricing Document

Proposal for remaining project phases

Additional Recommended/Required

As-builts (Consultant)*

Boundary/Topographic Survey (Consultant)*



Included/ Required