Are you considering leasing commercial space? If so, then you may have come across the term “Letter Of Intent” or “LOI”. But what is an LOI and why is it important? In this blog post, we will explain what an LOI is and discuss its importance in the commercial leasing process.
This blog post will:
- Define what an LOI is
- Explain why an LOI is important
- Give some tips on how to draft an effective LOI
- Summarize why an LOI is a valuable tool in any business deal
The LOI, or Letter Of Intent is just the beginning of your commercial leasing journey; having a real estate agent and design-build firm like Letter Four on your side will ensure that you are properly prepared for every step. They can provide guidance, assistance with negotiations, and insight into tenant improvements - all of which will increase the likelihood of success in finding the perfect commercial space. Ultimately, making sure to involve experienced professionals in crafting a LOI is essential to positioning yourself for a successful lease agreement.
What is an LOI?
A commercial tenant's Letter of Intent (LOI) is a formal document that outlines their desire to lease commercial space from a landlord. This letter should state how long the proposed lease will be, what type of commercial property it is, and other relevant details such as the rent amount and payment terms.
Additionally, the letter should indicate any special conditions or requirements that the commercial tenant may require from the landlord. Details of what your landlord will provide as part of their responsibility are often included as part of the Landlord’s Work Letter. These are items that the landlord will agree to complete before you move into the space, such as painting, flooring, lighting fixtures, and other building improvements. Be sure to include tenant improvement credits or "free rent" requests in your Letter Of Intent; these are additional incentives offered by landlords to make the transition more attractive for tenants.
It is important for commercial tenants to provide as much information as possible in their Letter of Intent, as this document will serve as the basis for negotiations between landlord and commercial tenant.
The commercial tenant should also make sure that all relevant parties understand and agree with the terms outlined in the letter, since any misunderstandings or changes could potentially affect the commercial tenant's ability to secure the commercial property they desire.
Why is an LOI Important?

A commercial tenant seeking a lease agreement should always have an LOI (Letter Of Intent) in hand. This document ensures on both the tenant and landlord sides that both understand the key commercial aspects of what each is trying to achieve from the commercial tenancy. An LOI underscores the commercial intentions of each party, such as length and type of tenancy, rent amount, and any deposits or conditions that may be imposed by either party during the duration of the lease.
It gives commercial tenants peace of mind as it officially puts on record exactly what has been discussed and also sets out potential dispute procedures should a disagreement arise in future. An LOI is truly indispensable for commercial tenants prior to entering into a commercial tenancy agreement with a landlord.
How to Draft an Effective LOI

Writing an effective Letter Of Intent (LOI) is essential to ensuring commercial tenants and landlords reach a favorable agreement. It's crucial to remain clear and concise with the information included in the document, as well as important to get input from both sides of the transaction before finalizing anything. The involvement of a commercial real estate agent and an experienced commercial Design-Duild firm, like Letter Four, can provide invaluable guidance when writing an LOI.
To ensure you cover all the essentials, here are a few tips:
- Start with a statement declaring your interest in leasing the space and why it's suitable for your business. This should provide an overview of what type of company you have and how long you plan to be in the space.
- Provide a description of your company, including any relevant details such as the number of employees, current business hours, and equipment or machinery that will need to be brought into the property.
- You should also include an overview of your current space if applicable, so that the landlord has an understanding of how well you’ve kept up with your current lease.
- Note the details of the lease you're proposing, including the lease amount, lease term, requested TI’s or months with “free rent”, what improvements you plan to make at your expense, and how long the offer is good for.
- Finally, make sure to include contact details so the landlord can easily get in touch with you should they need further details or clarification on any part of your Letter Of Intent.
By including all of this information in your Letter Of Intent, you’ll have a much smoother leasing process and ensure that both parties understand their obligations. Furthermore, it will help the property owner decide whether or not your business is a good fit for their property and if they want to enter into a commercial lease agreement with you.
Why is an LOI a Valuable Tool in Any Business Deal?
A Letter Of Intent (LOI) is a powerful tool for commercial tenants and landlords in any business deal. An LOI provides the opportunity to clearly define both parties' interests, expectations and responsibilities with the commercial transaction. As the LOI outlines each party’s involvement, it becomes a legal document that protects both commercial tenant and landlord from any misunderstandings or risks down the road. Furthermore, an LOI serves as an effective tool to expedite commercial deals by reducing delays caused by potential miscommunications during negotiations.
Need help with determining if a commercial space is right for your business? At Letter Four, we specialize in creating custom commercial spaces that fit our client's needs perfectly. We can advise you as to specific items to request as part of your LOI to save you time and money when signing a lease. Contact us today to discuss your specific situation and how we can help you design and build the perfect space for your business!